Pomisleki in dileme o normativnem okviru instituta pomilostitve [Scruples and Dilemmas of the Institute of Clemency Regulatory Framework]

  • Anton Olaj
Keywords: pomilostitev, predsednik republike, 107. člen Ustave RS, Zakon o pomilostitvi, materiae constitutionis


Normativni okvir instituta pomilostitve izhaja iz Ustave RS, ki je vsebinsko razčlenjena z zakonodajno intervencijo. Podrobno branje in interpretacija Zakona o pomilostitvi nakazujeta na nekatere dileme in pomisleke v smeri nedopustnega oženja izključne izvirne ustavne pristojnosti predsednika republike. Da bi se izognili dvomom, bi bila potrebna dopolnitev Ustave v šesti alineji prvega odstavka 107. člena, npr. z oblikovano določbo, da predsednik republike odloča o pomilostitvah »na način, kakor je to določeno z zakonom«. Zakon o pomilostitvi je mogoče do takrat z zgodovinsko objektivistično interpretacijo razumeti tako, da predsednika republike pravno ne omejuje pri izvajanju njegove izvirne ustavne pristojnosti dajanja pomilostitev.

The legal framework institution of clemency stems from the Constitution, which is substantially filled with a legislative intervention. Detailed reading and interpretation of the Pardon Act indicate some dilemmas and doubts about the inadmissible narrowing of the exclusive original constitutional power of the President of the Republic. For the avoidance of doubt, it would require an amendment of the Constitution in the sixth line of the first paragraph of Article 107 with the provision that the President of the Republic decides on the granting of clemency ‘in the manner provided by law.’ It is, therefore, possible to understand the valid Pardon Act through historical objectivist interpretation in such a way that the President of the Republic is not restricted by law in the implementation of his original constitutional powers on the granting of clemency.

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How to Cite
Olaj, A. (2017). Pomisleki in dileme o normativnem okviru instituta pomilostitve [Scruples and Dilemmas of the Institute of Clemency Regulatory Framework]. Central European Public Administration Review, 15(2), 145–167. https://doi.org/10.17573/ipar.2017.2.05