Interest Representation, Interest Alignment and the Role of Seeking Consensus in the Renewal Process of Hungarian State Management

  • Csaba Lentner Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, National University of Public Service
  • Bianka Parragh Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, National University of Public Service
Keywords: state, owner’s interest representation, lobbying, seeking consensus, labour relations, social dialogue


The interest representation of owners, employee participation and endeavours to achieve consensus can be identified as the operational factor of well-managed publicly owned companies in the renewal process of state management. Higher quality expectations that appear to arise in respect of public services and the higher quality standard expected of public sector employees in the course of the performance of their duties all point in the direction of achieving a well-functioning state. This study focuses on representing the interest of the state as an owner, the changes in the institutional system of interest alignment and the search for consensus, the development that has materialised over the past decades, its alternatives arising from the regulatory environment and the attitudes and motivations of economic actors affected by the trend in the Hungarian economic environment. The analysis highlights the balancing role of the state, which is becoming more prominent.

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How to Cite
Lentner, C., & Parragh, B. (2017). Interest Representation, Interest Alignment and the Role of Seeking Consensus in the Renewal Process of Hungarian State Management. Central European Public Administration Review, 15(1), 71–85.